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Add Carrier Steps

Learn how to add carriers to an existing invite in RAI.

  1. Welcome to HFG training.
  2. In today’s training, we will be going over how to add carriers to an existing invite.
  3. Navigate to Reagan dot AI in your browser and log in.
  4. Click on contracting from the side menu from your agent dashboard and then click dashboard.
  5. On the invite manager tab, you will see your onboarding invite and any downline invites.
  6. To add carriers to your downline agents’ invites, expand the agent you want to add a carrier too.
  7. Click the Add Carrier button.
  8. A popup will appear with a list of carriers that are available to add.
  9. Select the upline contract and the level that is desired.
  10. Once you are finished, click save.
  11. Now, you will see that the carrier has been added to the existing invite.
  12. You can add carriers at any point in the application process, as long as the invite has not been declined or deactivated.
  13. If adding a carrier to a completed application, it will set the application back for review. It may require the agent to go back and complete any missing information required for the product(s) that were added.
  14. If you have any questions, please reach out to helpdesk at help at hfg agents dot com.
  15. Thanks for watching.

If you have any questions, please reach out to HelpDesk at

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